Synergie Environ performed a comprehensive feasibility study for Innis & Gunn (I&G) that independently assessed total energy consumption and identified options for low carbon energy generation at their operational facilities. I&G actioned this report through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Programme (LCIP) which is designed to support the business community by bringing forward investor ready low carbon infrastructure projects in Scotland. As part of this report scope, Synergie also reviewed the process and construction design of a state-of-the-art brewery to be installed as part of Innis & Gunn’s future plans of expansion.
This work involved a robust assessment of the entire I&G supply chain, accurately capturing and analysing energy consumption data as well as greenhouse gas emissions data to inform I&G of their carbon footprint across Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions. This provided I&G with the information necessary to assess themselves against the competition, while the significant energy saving and low carbon options modelled and presented as a techno-economic business case by Synergie allowed I&G to action bespoke projects that can reduce the business’ costs, energy consumption and carbon emissions.
As a result of this report, Synergie identified over 10 GWh of energy savings across I&G, resulting in a potential saving of over £500,000 and over 5 kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions annually. Based on the strength of the report, I&G chose to continue collaborating with Synergie Environ and worked with us to progress an LCITP application for funding, using the techno-economic analysis of a suggested low carbon energy system option from the report as the foundation for the investment grade business case.
Charles Ellery, Operations Project Manager for Innis & Gunn fed back to Synergie Environ following the works:
“Synergie delivered exactly what they said they would, exactly when they said they would.”