Our client used support from the Low Carbon Infrastructure Programme (LCIP), which is designed to support businesses by bringing forward investor ready low carbon infrastructure projects in Scotland, to proceed with a total energy consumption and low carbon energy system feasibility study performed by Synergie Environ. Two sites were selected as part of this scope of works, with the intention that the client could easily replicate any energy saving options / low carbon systems opportunities across their business.
This work involved a review of the two sites heat & power consumption data so that the client could accurately assess and optimise the performance of their onsite CHPs as well as retain oversight of their utility costs. Synergie Environ’s consultants then reviewed the sites in person, identifying multiple significant energy saving opportunities while discussing feasibility of bespoke clean tech solutions with our client’s in-house team. This strategy development allowed Synergie’s team to develop and model techno-economic solutions for the clubs to reduce their costs, energy consumption and carbon emissions.
As a result of this report, Synergie identified £70,000 of useful annual energy savings across the two sites, resulting in a reduction of 305 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions per year. Our client is also now trialling some of the proposed energy saving opportunities with the aim of demonstrating success of the suggested initiatives and roll out across the organisation.