Low Carbon Heat Opportunities – free workshop Kilmarnock
The Low Carbon Heat Expert Support programme offers free access to up to two days of one-to-one expert support, delivered by experts in our Synergie Environ team offering tailored advice on the most appropriate opportunities for your company.
This advice could focus on:
* Market entry requirements;
* Your company’s current capabilities (e.g. skills, processes) and its potential in relation to current low carbon heat opportunities;
* Suitability of a specific product to the sector; and
* Market/supply chain positioning and contacts.
The programme is designed to identify and explore appropriate profitable revenue streams for your business, including a review of the most effective way forward. The expert support service will lead to a company-specific action plan, detailing key milestones to help your company achieve its low carbon heat ambitions
You can register for the workshops here here to find out more about this Scottish Enterprise funded programme.
More information about the programme can be found here